Global Groundwater Monitoring Network
hosted by IGRAC

Groundwater resources are vital for drinking water supply, agriculture, the sustainability of wetlands and rivers as well as many other important issues, including climate change adaptation. The state of groundwater resources needs to be monitored regularly to provide the basis for their qualitative and quantitative assessment. Hence, water management decisions rely strongly on the availability and quality of monitoring data.

Groundwater is monitored in many parts of the world, but there is a lack of information on groundwater monitoring at the regional and global scales which hampers assessment and informed water management. Recognizing the need for a systematic collection of groundwater data, IGRAC took the initiative to establish the Global Groundwater Monitoring Network (GGMN).

GGMN is a participative, web-based network of networks, set up to improve quality and accessibility of groundwater monitoring information and subsequently our knowledge on the state of groundwater resources. The GGMN Programme operates according to principles of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and UNESCO with the aim of encouraging the widespread use of hydrological data for national, regional and global studies.